“Play is the highest form of research.”
― Albert Einstein
As a passionate researcher of all things patterns, turning my learning inward was quite different from my lifetime of academia. When I think back, it started like a Dora the Explorer type of journey that quickly started feeling more like Outlander or Harry Potter! So many magical teachers have stepped on and off of my path to show me a new way. I was on a mission to re-awaken the different parts of me that were frozen in time and stuck in untapped potential or lacked creative expression.
I call myself a Somatic Spiritual Scientist :) (say it 3x fast) as I naturally watch people and track patterns because I want to understand how humans work! We are so damn interesting, aren't we? So many parts and pieces and expressions! I have been on this adventure for over two decades exploring the ways that we can really grow ourselves up inside and heal the trauma we embody at a cellular level. We have only been studying the inner-ecosystems of humans for a very short amount of time and I wanted to know more so I spent time learning from futurists, shamans, and next level quantum scientists.
After researching clients for over a decade, studying patterns, and picking up my own missing pieces, I saw that most of us have the same collective wounding. Don't be too much (which keeps us living in anxiety or perfectionism) or you're not enough (which keeps us in harmful cycles of consumerism and comparison, and not loving ourselves no matter what we do!!) This pressure keeps us from breathing fully because we are living in the corset of calm and the Spanx of sadness because then we don't feel a damn thing. Our pleasure is shut down, our hearts are closed, and we are disembodied.
I have put in the time and energy to understand why we can't heal in a broken system. They say once you hit the 10,000-hour mark you become a master at something. I believe I was already a healer when I arrived here, but I became a master-level therapist because I have been obsessed with how I can heal myself and help others truly create lasting change. In the realm of "human services", I quickly got to know the darker dimensions of our underworld and have worked in many of the "systems" - jails, schools, child welfare, and with survivors of domestic violence.
What I found overall is that this life is supposed to be FUN and feel like an adventure. When we allow more life to move through us, we align with our life-force energy system which is an advanced inner ecosystem of many networks of sensational information. I have found that connection, play, and pleasure are huge parts of what "brings us life". They are the nectar of our existence.
We came here to earth to learn and experience "all the things" we can in a short period of time, while in a human body. This is the planet of emotions and our human body speaks emotion. That is how it communicates! It is the language! Yet, we were not taught how to listen.
When we start to listen and heal, we see it is actually a mystical and fascinating world of beauty and wonder right under our nose!!! And when you can start including your beautiful body and listening, then your Soul also gets to participate in the adventure! And you start creating the life you desire and yearn for.
Don't you want to get the most out of this human experience?!? I know I sure do.
I call myself a Somatic Spiritual Scientist :) (say it 3x fast) as I naturally watch people and track patterns because I want to understand how humans work! We are so damn interesting, aren't we? So many parts and pieces and expressions! I have been on this adventure for over two decades exploring the ways that we can really grow ourselves up inside and heal the trauma we embody at a cellular level. We have only been studying the inner-ecosystems of humans for a very short amount of time and I wanted to know more so I spent time learning from futurists, shamans, and next level quantum scientists.
After researching clients for over a decade, studying patterns, and picking up my own missing pieces, I saw that most of us have the same collective wounding. Don't be too much (which keeps us living in anxiety or perfectionism) or you're not enough (which keeps us in harmful cycles of consumerism and comparison, and not loving ourselves no matter what we do!!) This pressure keeps us from breathing fully because we are living in the corset of calm and the Spanx of sadness because then we don't feel a damn thing. Our pleasure is shut down, our hearts are closed, and we are disembodied.
I have put in the time and energy to understand why we can't heal in a broken system. They say once you hit the 10,000-hour mark you become a master at something. I believe I was already a healer when I arrived here, but I became a master-level therapist because I have been obsessed with how I can heal myself and help others truly create lasting change. In the realm of "human services", I quickly got to know the darker dimensions of our underworld and have worked in many of the "systems" - jails, schools, child welfare, and with survivors of domestic violence.
What I found overall is that this life is supposed to be FUN and feel like an adventure. When we allow more life to move through us, we align with our life-force energy system which is an advanced inner ecosystem of many networks of sensational information. I have found that connection, play, and pleasure are huge parts of what "brings us life". They are the nectar of our existence.
We came here to earth to learn and experience "all the things" we can in a short period of time, while in a human body. This is the planet of emotions and our human body speaks emotion. That is how it communicates! It is the language! Yet, we were not taught how to listen.
When we start to listen and heal, we see it is actually a mystical and fascinating world of beauty and wonder right under our nose!!! And when you can start including your beautiful body and listening, then your Soul also gets to participate in the adventure! And you start creating the life you desire and yearn for.
Don't you want to get the most out of this human experience?!? I know I sure do.
“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”
― Paulo Coelho
At the core of my ancient heart, I am a truth seeker and storyteller. I document everything, because this human experience is so enchantingly painful and gorgeously sacred. I love sharing my research in the form of stories, so that you can feel if we resonate in frequency, or not. Maybe something will touch your heart or spark an ah-ha or inspire you to understand there is so much more to who you really are. I also hope that sharing my process inspires you to write yourself the permission slip to see yourself with soft, compassionate, holy eyes and to know you still have time to do it all differently.
Maybe then you can give yourself the green light to live the life you feel called to live and take the chances to embark on the extraordinary path that comes when your heart is open and connected to "the everything, all at once". Just like the cycles, the trees, the animals, we are the only species trapped in time and that essence of too fast, too loud, too much is the definition of trauma. Yet, most of us have been pushed out of our timing since birth, and then again in education, so parts of us are living in the past and parts scared of the future and we need to gather ourselves in the NOW.
All healing can only take place in the NOW. So we have to disarm ourselves and soften into the nectar of healing.
I want you to feel in your bones that all of us did not receive what we needed as children. So as we rehabilitate our fragmented nervous systems, we reparent ourselves with purpose and patience. My research shows that we actually heal and grow developmentally. It is now linear but a sacred spiral with major patterns and themes. We get to start a new relationship with ourselves that looks very different. It is like learning a brand new language. It takes time to learn who you are and authentically follow what feels good in your body.
On the path of your heroine journey, you are the hero of your own storyline, and your magic is already within you. (Didn't you read The Alchemist? OMG! It's my fav!!) What would an adventure be like without the hardship that creates valleys, which creates the opportunity to dance back up to the mountain to kiss the sky!? It would be such a boring story now, wouldn't it?!? The pain is where the wisdom lives, and the confidence to walk the path into the unknown doesn't come from what we think it does. It comes from facing our fears and walking forward into the unknown anyway.
The soul speaks through your body and energy never lies.
Thank you for courageously walking your own path and reading about mine :)
Maybe then you can give yourself the green light to live the life you feel called to live and take the chances to embark on the extraordinary path that comes when your heart is open and connected to "the everything, all at once". Just like the cycles, the trees, the animals, we are the only species trapped in time and that essence of too fast, too loud, too much is the definition of trauma. Yet, most of us have been pushed out of our timing since birth, and then again in education, so parts of us are living in the past and parts scared of the future and we need to gather ourselves in the NOW.
All healing can only take place in the NOW. So we have to disarm ourselves and soften into the nectar of healing.
I want you to feel in your bones that all of us did not receive what we needed as children. So as we rehabilitate our fragmented nervous systems, we reparent ourselves with purpose and patience. My research shows that we actually heal and grow developmentally. It is now linear but a sacred spiral with major patterns and themes. We get to start a new relationship with ourselves that looks very different. It is like learning a brand new language. It takes time to learn who you are and authentically follow what feels good in your body.
On the path of your heroine journey, you are the hero of your own storyline, and your magic is already within you. (Didn't you read The Alchemist? OMG! It's my fav!!) What would an adventure be like without the hardship that creates valleys, which creates the opportunity to dance back up to the mountain to kiss the sky!? It would be such a boring story now, wouldn't it?!? The pain is where the wisdom lives, and the confidence to walk the path into the unknown doesn't come from what we think it does. It comes from facing our fears and walking forward into the unknown anyway.
The soul speaks through your body and energy never lies.
Thank you for courageously walking your own path and reading about mine :)
The Calling...
I remember the moment I knew I was going to be teaching and supporting people how to heal themselves. I was 24. Furthermore, I talked myself out of it because there wasn't a box, a path, or a teacher to show me the way. And I thought, "Who would listen to a 24-year-old?" So many times I dismissed the nudge. I think of life as this beautiful and painful dance of the heart, where we have these lovely "choice points" that keep us on the path of our evolution. When I look back at how many breadcrumbs I ignored, so I could stay boxed in and on the "normal" path, it makes my heart a little heavy. You know the one where we drink the Kool-Aid to college, marriage, and a career in sequential order and all by a certain age and make sure it includes a 401k and blah blah blah! It led me to two Masters in Counseling, living in a frozen nervous system with chronic tension, weekly migraines, a closed heart, and a soft voice that kept reminding me that I had a deep yearning for more color and inner aliveness that I was not finding anywhere I was looking. So, I followed that "supposed-to-life path" until my body said no more and I quit. I used my last paycheck from the real world to go to hypnotherapy training, which was the first stop on a journey of healing my nervous system. I gathered all my trainings, processes, and experiences as research for how people can heal themselves.
Some of the major stops on my journey were...
Long story short, what I found is that we can only create long-lasting shifts in our inner ecosystem through heart-connected, body-mind, "experiences". We have the opportunity to integrate the pieces we lost along the way and start becoming more whole. Our small selves—our ego, personality, and patterning - are made up of what the world handed to us as children, and now we get the opportunity to revamp our destiny and re-parent what we needed. As women, we are also a hodgepodge of thousands of years of repression, suppression, and energetically own other people's thoughts and beliefs as our own. It's time to clear all of that dense energy!!
I came to really understand that it is our body that is the portal to our greatness!! It is our biggest teacher, so it must be included in our greater awakening. We need to include how the body is communicating in psychotherapy, just as we value what the mind is communicating. Both are important and need to be rehabilitated as a whole. The body is waiting for all the old energy to be transmuted into a more life-giving!
I will leave you with this...What if your inner liberation is the key to your greatness and embodiment is your purpose?
Rediscovering who you really are is the gift of a lifetime.
Some of the major stops on my journey were...
- "How were people healing before traditional or talk psychotherapy?
- "How did humans in ancient cultures heal themselves?"
- "When did we start bypassing the body and intellectualizing our emotions?"
- "What is the mind-body-soul connection?"
- "And can someone please tell me...If we are made of energy, and everything is energy, then where does our energy body fit into all of this healing?!?"
Long story short, what I found is that we can only create long-lasting shifts in our inner ecosystem through heart-connected, body-mind, "experiences". We have the opportunity to integrate the pieces we lost along the way and start becoming more whole. Our small selves—our ego, personality, and patterning - are made up of what the world handed to us as children, and now we get the opportunity to revamp our destiny and re-parent what we needed. As women, we are also a hodgepodge of thousands of years of repression, suppression, and energetically own other people's thoughts and beliefs as our own. It's time to clear all of that dense energy!!
I came to really understand that it is our body that is the portal to our greatness!! It is our biggest teacher, so it must be included in our greater awakening. We need to include how the body is communicating in psychotherapy, just as we value what the mind is communicating. Both are important and need to be rehabilitated as a whole. The body is waiting for all the old energy to be transmuted into a more life-giving!
I will leave you with this...What if your inner liberation is the key to your greatness and embodiment is your purpose?
Rediscovering who you really are is the gift of a lifetime.
Researching Patterns and Potential...
My life is an ongoing research project to explore and understand human programming, possibility, and potential. Over the last two decades, I have been tracking patterns in others as well as my own experiential and embodied research on my own healing journey, so I can have a deeper understanding of what stands in the way of feeling safe and alive in our own skin.
What I continue to find is that your body is the gateway to higher consciousness. It is the only way to "be the (real) change" we want to see on the planet. I have collected my experiences and believe it's our biggest mission to make our body as fluid and open as possible.
You can Google the map of consciousness. (Seriously, take a look!)
Many of our emotions, energy, and parts are stuck in our inner child body.
Our energy is constantly being pulled to those "old" spaces every time we are triggered until they are expressed, reframed, and integrated with caring.
The top emotions that keep us rigid and dense are:
They all want to be met with more heart so they can feel acceptance and soften to be seen, heard, and transmuted with care. Many times they just got the wrong memos or were not fully expressed because we were not taught to value uncomfortable feelings.
Energetic embodiment is the framework for what I offer, teach, and speak about. It is the path of holistic healing where we include everything — emotions, mind, body, soul, senses, and energy. When we can begin listening to our deeper heart's desires, tuning into our awareness, elevating our consciousness, and cleaning up our emotional and energetic baggage. Then we can ALL be liberated and sovereign here in Earth school.
I weave together the science and the spiritual and have been dedicated to training in neuroscience, cutting-edge trauma healing, and nervous system restoration. I pair it all beautifully with quantum healing techniques in energy, intuition, and body/soul work.
What I continue to find is that your body is the gateway to higher consciousness. It is the only way to "be the (real) change" we want to see on the planet. I have collected my experiences and believe it's our biggest mission to make our body as fluid and open as possible.
You can Google the map of consciousness. (Seriously, take a look!)
Many of our emotions, energy, and parts are stuck in our inner child body.
Our energy is constantly being pulled to those "old" spaces every time we are triggered until they are expressed, reframed, and integrated with caring.
The top emotions that keep us rigid and dense are:
They all want to be met with more heart so they can feel acceptance and soften to be seen, heard, and transmuted with care. Many times they just got the wrong memos or were not fully expressed because we were not taught to value uncomfortable feelings.
Energetic embodiment is the framework for what I offer, teach, and speak about. It is the path of holistic healing where we include everything — emotions, mind, body, soul, senses, and energy. When we can begin listening to our deeper heart's desires, tuning into our awareness, elevating our consciousness, and cleaning up our emotional and energetic baggage. Then we can ALL be liberated and sovereign here in Earth school.
I weave together the science and the spiritual and have been dedicated to training in neuroscience, cutting-edge trauma healing, and nervous system restoration. I pair it all beautifully with quantum healing techniques in energy, intuition, and body/soul work.
“The voice I finally heard that day was my own–the girl I’d locked away at ten years old, the girl I was before the world told me who to be–and she said: Here I am. I’m taking over now.”
― Glennon Doyle (Untamed)
Stage 1: Growing Up
Sensitivity is Divinity...
Like most Neurospicy Empaths, I came in with the inner knowing that I was here to do big things. The little "way too serious" parentified-child inside of me (who btw makes the perfect therapist) started so young listening deeply, paying deeper attention, and loving everything with a huge heart.
I sense and "know" things. I knew so young that I had to "tone it down" because I was "too much" for the sepia colored world. Who I thought I "was" covered up by who I thought I was supposed to be, what people wanted me to be, and what society/ church/ school told me I didn't want to be.
Let's go deeper...We are deep people, aren't we?
To get to know my inner child, is to give you the opportunity to see yours too.
I grew up like Veda from the the movie My Girl - in a funeral home. Yes, it is the truth. I often tell people if you can imagine if Rainbow Bright was dropped into the Adam's Family...that is the scenario here. Living around death and grief was an interesting way to grow up, that I know for sure. I toned my color way down to belong to an environment that had no idea what to do with a magical, sparkly child like myself. My family are all on the spectrum. My sister diagnosed autistic and I say I am an AuDtistic Empath...nonetheless, we come from a long line of neurodivergent humans. The closest thing I can share to describing my authentic essence is if Lisa Frank (think 80's magical unicorns) and Mr. Roger's had a Baby :) Where glitter meets the ground and the magic is in the mundane.
I was raised during the week in rural America by my father and spent weekends in the city with my mother. It's like if Little House on the Prairie got to transform and spend the weekends on the set of MTV...that was my life, every week. It gave me this duality of life experience with the quiet and simple verses the theatric. I am so grateful that I had both. I needed both to some degree to stretch me. I spent the majority of my rural life outside on a bike, in nature, or leading mini-dance revolutions within my friend groups. And I spent my city life dancing, rollerskating, being in diverse friend groups, and shopping for cool fashion. My little rural town just did not know where to place me.
I always felt like I was from another planet as I didn't really fit in either world? This easily set me up to be an expert in shapeshifting, so I had to get really curious as an adult about who I even am and why I was the way I was? So I could be brave enough to go out into the dark to hold up my lantern, looking for my truth. In all seriousness, it has taken consistent inner work and dedication to uncover my truth and to understand that I am who I am, which isn't something stagnant but something fluid.
I AM a shapeshifter...always changing, transforming, and becoming more of who I am. I am a Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon, & Sagittarius rising...Mystical. Sensitive. Passionate. Perfectionist. Deeply Emotional. Gypsy Soul.
I sense and "know" things. I knew so young that I had to "tone it down" because I was "too much" for the sepia colored world. Who I thought I "was" covered up by who I thought I was supposed to be, what people wanted me to be, and what society/ church/ school told me I didn't want to be.
Let's go deeper...We are deep people, aren't we?
To get to know my inner child, is to give you the opportunity to see yours too.
I grew up like Veda from the the movie My Girl - in a funeral home. Yes, it is the truth. I often tell people if you can imagine if Rainbow Bright was dropped into the Adam's Family...that is the scenario here. Living around death and grief was an interesting way to grow up, that I know for sure. I toned my color way down to belong to an environment that had no idea what to do with a magical, sparkly child like myself. My family are all on the spectrum. My sister diagnosed autistic and I say I am an AuDtistic Empath...nonetheless, we come from a long line of neurodivergent humans. The closest thing I can share to describing my authentic essence is if Lisa Frank (think 80's magical unicorns) and Mr. Roger's had a Baby :) Where glitter meets the ground and the magic is in the mundane.
I was raised during the week in rural America by my father and spent weekends in the city with my mother. It's like if Little House on the Prairie got to transform and spend the weekends on the set of MTV...that was my life, every week. It gave me this duality of life experience with the quiet and simple verses the theatric. I am so grateful that I had both. I needed both to some degree to stretch me. I spent the majority of my rural life outside on a bike, in nature, or leading mini-dance revolutions within my friend groups. And I spent my city life dancing, rollerskating, being in diverse friend groups, and shopping for cool fashion. My little rural town just did not know where to place me.
I always felt like I was from another planet as I didn't really fit in either world? This easily set me up to be an expert in shapeshifting, so I had to get really curious as an adult about who I even am and why I was the way I was? So I could be brave enough to go out into the dark to hold up my lantern, looking for my truth. In all seriousness, it has taken consistent inner work and dedication to uncover my truth and to understand that I am who I am, which isn't something stagnant but something fluid.
I AM a shapeshifter...always changing, transforming, and becoming more of who I am. I am a Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon, & Sagittarius rising...Mystical. Sensitive. Passionate. Perfectionist. Deeply Emotional. Gypsy Soul.
“We trade authenticity for attachment and this becomes our ideal identity–our default avatar. We try to prove it by behaving in alignment with our ideal identity, that we are worthy of being loved and accepted. We also receive it from those around us, information on what loses us that acceptance, love, and approval, and so these become our shadow selves–our unwanted identities.”
― Tanya Valentin
We all start so young, giving up our authenticity for attachment - aka we want to be seen, loved, and valued - so we lose ourselves in what others want us to be. We contort our needs and natural urges to be loved. (As our parents are our biggest teachers!)
We are also "imprinted" with the collective trauma of who we "should" be and in that we have distorted values based in our families "codependent energy vortexes", where we all had to keep it together and follow the rules.
These imprints can make us feel like we are living "on edge" (hypervigilant and tense) and we are missing a sense of safety in the body.
They can also show up as deep traumatic patterns or shameful stories that are imprinted in our ancestral lines and in our nervous system templates. Sooo of course, many of us would do whatever it takes to be "good" or not hurt someone's feelings, or not be selfish (oh, the kryptonite!).
We are also "imprinted" with the collective trauma of who we "should" be and in that we have distorted values based in our families "codependent energy vortexes", where we all had to keep it together and follow the rules.
These imprints can make us feel like we are living "on edge" (hypervigilant and tense) and we are missing a sense of safety in the body.
They can also show up as deep traumatic patterns or shameful stories that are imprinted in our ancestral lines and in our nervous system templates. Sooo of course, many of us would do whatever it takes to be "good" or not hurt someone's feelings, or not be selfish (oh, the kryptonite!).
I gently held my heart and curiously wondered...
- Who was I before the world told me who I "should" be??
- What was a drawn to and what did I love as a child?
- Who would I have been if I would have came in with a magical guidebook ;) (and my parents would have seen that I actually am this magical child?!)
- Where in time and space did I start leaving myself to become someone else?
- Who would I be if I was fully alive and free?
- What would it feel like to fully express myself, instead of suppressing?
In 2011, I kicked off the journey of embodiment with the intention to find and heal "little me". I began seeing a hypnotherapist and doing regression work to help unthaw the life of freeze and bring safety back into my life. I also started practicing breathwork that allowed more space to open internally. As parts and pieces started to come back to life, I started to trust that I was safe enough to allow and accept my big feelings to move through me.
Feeling our feelings (instead of intellectualizing them) is essential to living a fully expressed life. They are our body's messaging system that, somewhere in time, we decide does not matter, or that emotions are not real information. So bizarre!!! Why would we not want to be in fluid communication with the world around us? Because I am so sensitive and embody a huge heart, I have BIG feelings. People don't like big feelings because it makes them uncomfortable with their own inner workings. They want you to tone yourself down so they don't have to feel.
We all have "programmed" messages around how we are "supposed" to behave that are regurgitated in our shame patterning systems.
Here are some of my core messages that bound up my inner magical self. You may be able to relate to some too...
If you can relate...I invite you to place a hand on your heart and take a deep breath with me...say hello to little you.
It doesn't matter what age comes to mind. It is like saying hello to an old friend. You might say, "hey you, sorry I waited so long to come back for you. I am not leaving you. I want to help you heal now."
Our stuck emotions are directly connected to our frozen inner child or in other words our suppressed emotional body is actually our inner child waiting to be allowed to have full expression.
Your stuck emotions are affecting all parts of your life. (*Read that again.*)
What still fascinates me is that so much of my pain, hiding, and codependent patterning (all of our collective family patterning) was all a bunch of old generational trauma imprints that were not mine to carry!
The "stuck" and "unexpressed" energy - in my body - showed up as dissociation, chronic pain, tension migraines, and immobility to make decisions. I started understanding that my (and everyone else's) adult personality was a compilation of childhood coping skills that needed to be seriously updated.
Feeling our feelings (instead of intellectualizing them) is essential to living a fully expressed life. They are our body's messaging system that, somewhere in time, we decide does not matter, or that emotions are not real information. So bizarre!!! Why would we not want to be in fluid communication with the world around us? Because I am so sensitive and embody a huge heart, I have BIG feelings. People don't like big feelings because it makes them uncomfortable with their own inner workings. They want you to tone yourself down so they don't have to feel.
We all have "programmed" messages around how we are "supposed" to behave that are regurgitated in our shame patterning systems.
Here are some of my core messages that bound up my inner magical self. You may be able to relate to some too...
- Don't be so sensitive. (OMG! why not?)
- Stop crying. (I cry when I am touched by beauty and when my heart hurts, so I shut down my joy right beside my pain.)
- Keep it together. (So I toned down my energy to not be "too much" for people. I stayed safe in the "smoosh" because I was terrified to be too much or god forbid - not be "enough".)
- Stop acting so crazy. (Anger is a normal emotion. Excitement is a normal emotion. Both can be big waves of energy that make people uncomfortable.)
- Don't be too big for your britches. (Stay small and quiet - more or less - be a doll.)
If you can relate...I invite you to place a hand on your heart and take a deep breath with me...say hello to little you.
It doesn't matter what age comes to mind. It is like saying hello to an old friend. You might say, "hey you, sorry I waited so long to come back for you. I am not leaving you. I want to help you heal now."
Our stuck emotions are directly connected to our frozen inner child or in other words our suppressed emotional body is actually our inner child waiting to be allowed to have full expression.
Your stuck emotions are affecting all parts of your life. (*Read that again.*)
What still fascinates me is that so much of my pain, hiding, and codependent patterning (all of our collective family patterning) was all a bunch of old generational trauma imprints that were not mine to carry!
The "stuck" and "unexpressed" energy - in my body - showed up as dissociation, chronic pain, tension migraines, and immobility to make decisions. I started understanding that my (and everyone else's) adult personality was a compilation of childhood coping skills that needed to be seriously updated.
Stage 2: Waking Up
Unfreezing my delicate Nervous System
Waking up my inner children (or my emotional and energetic bodies) allowed me to wake up everything in my life. I had to un-arrest the parts of myself that, somewhere along the way, I shut down. I knew in my heart that I had chosen this life of learning for a reason, and I want to experience and savor every ounce of it. I signed my name in permanent ink to no longer abandon myself. I knew this was going to be tough stuff, but I had no choice but to jump! I was at this place, and there was no going back "there". Every day I choose to be here and to be fully alive, which means - I am here to feel all the play, pleasure, pain, and glorious energy of possibility! And to do that, I had to unfreeze my body.
Our body remembers everything, and it does keep score.
I invite you to get curious about where you left your magic and how it shows up in your life today? When have you felt the most alive? When have you had a sparkle in your eye or a butterfly in your belly? Follow that back in time and bring it to today. Bring it into your heart.
Reactivating your senses: Our senses are doorways into the subconscious, Whatever is sleeping in us or is lying dormant is just waiting to be reactivated. We have been told we have five senses, and the sixth makes us see ghosts. Last I checked, they identified that we have at least 30 senses...soak that in! (And you don't think anyone wants you to stay small?!! Just sayin'!) What I find over and over again is that when we start waking up what is asleep, we find parts of ourselves that we lost along the way that embody so much life force energy.
Installing new levels of support: One thing we need so that our bodies can finally relax is to feel that we were never alone on our journey. When I support people, one of the first things we do is set up an inner toolbox full of compassionate, grounded-to-earth energy and resources. I do this by creating another inner reality for people to reconnect with nature, energies, animals, and other worldly humans that radiate acceptance, patience, and unconditional love.
Reclaiming your magic: What we were drawn to in childhood matters. What we shut down, didn't express, or hidden away matters. We have to be able to consult with the young, vulnerable parts of ourselves, heal them, see them, and let them play out the urges where they froze in the places and spaces they weren't allowed to be themselves, so they can finally be free in their organic expression.
Good news, y'all!!! Your MAGIC or MOJO never leaves you...it is just waiting for you to remember her/him/them. Let them gently wake up from a deep sleep. Ask your fascinating body to help you remember how to heal itself. Ask how the energy wants to move through you so that you can start experimenting with it! It's all an experiment. Please be oh so gentle and kind to yourself. We are all yearning for a new level of patience and gentleness to take the next steps.
Our body remembers everything, and it does keep score.
I invite you to get curious about where you left your magic and how it shows up in your life today? When have you felt the most alive? When have you had a sparkle in your eye or a butterfly in your belly? Follow that back in time and bring it to today. Bring it into your heart.
Reactivating your senses: Our senses are doorways into the subconscious, Whatever is sleeping in us or is lying dormant is just waiting to be reactivated. We have been told we have five senses, and the sixth makes us see ghosts. Last I checked, they identified that we have at least 30 senses...soak that in! (And you don't think anyone wants you to stay small?!! Just sayin'!) What I find over and over again is that when we start waking up what is asleep, we find parts of ourselves that we lost along the way that embody so much life force energy.
Installing new levels of support: One thing we need so that our bodies can finally relax is to feel that we were never alone on our journey. When I support people, one of the first things we do is set up an inner toolbox full of compassionate, grounded-to-earth energy and resources. I do this by creating another inner reality for people to reconnect with nature, energies, animals, and other worldly humans that radiate acceptance, patience, and unconditional love.
Reclaiming your magic: What we were drawn to in childhood matters. What we shut down, didn't express, or hidden away matters. We have to be able to consult with the young, vulnerable parts of ourselves, heal them, see them, and let them play out the urges where they froze in the places and spaces they weren't allowed to be themselves, so they can finally be free in their organic expression.
Good news, y'all!!! Your MAGIC or MOJO never leaves you...it is just waiting for you to remember her/him/them. Let them gently wake up from a deep sleep. Ask your fascinating body to help you remember how to heal itself. Ask how the energy wants to move through you so that you can start experimenting with it! It's all an experiment. Please be oh so gentle and kind to yourself. We are all yearning for a new level of patience and gentleness to take the next steps.
"Highly sensitive beings suffer more, but they also love harder, dream wider, and experience deeper horizons + bliss. When you’re sensitive, you’re alive in every sense of this word in this wildly beautiful world. Sensitivity is your strength. Keep soaking in the light and spreading it to others.”
— Victoria Erickson
— Victoria Erickson
As I re-parented myself, I allowed myself to be as big as I am and see myself with new eyes. I reopened the doors to participating in a wildly beautiful world and everything started getting clearer and way more magical.
I see the world through soft eyes of wonder & beauty.
I am a Dancer.
My love language is travel and experiences that connect me to wonder and awe.
I am a kinesthetic learner who doesn't retain much unless I experience it.
- For my whole life, I have been ridiculed for my tears of passion and how touched I am when beauty is involved. I get lost in sunsets and full moons, texture, color and sound. I am SO in love with this Earth mama and her beauty is my everything. It is my biggest gift and the abundant life I have created, is one that also repaired my nervous system, and helped me re-member that I require a slow-cooking, little stimuli, kind of lifestyle. I also love taking pictures of all things beautiful...earth magic, people, food, simple moments and one day will have a darkroom in my basement (can you smell it?).
I am a Dancer.
- I trained my entire childhood as a Ballerina that turned to a dance floor in my 20s, then salsa + ballroom in my 30s. At age 38, I walked onto an 5 Rhythms (https://www.5rhythms.com/) dance floor that brought me back to life. Please read the book Sweat Your Prayers...it will change your life. Currently, you can find me as a nightly kitchen dancer who is constantly making playlists! “The body says what words cannot.” -- Martha Graham “To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.” -- Indian Proverb
My love language is travel and experiences that connect me to wonder and awe.
- I love experimenting with how my energy shifts when visiting all things weird, sacred, and metaphysical.
- I have snorkeled with the sacred sea turtles in Hawaii, danced to the beat of a drum in the middle of the Sedona desert under the Milky Way, fire walked (3x) (because I am that cool and crazy!), and I have been honored to sit in many sacred sweat lodges of ancient wisdom.
- My favorite "energetic" travel moment is being in Key West, where every night at Mallory Square everyone stops what they are doing to fully be present to soak in the beauty of the sunset! Followed by a round of applause. (Be still, my heart!)
I am a kinesthetic learner who doesn't retain much unless I experience it.
- When you understand your blueprint or how you work, more energy can move. I am all about sensations, feelings, tastes, smells, touch, and sounds!
- Sunset is my favorite color. Blue sage, lilac, plumeria, and autumn are my favorite smells! Lemon, lime, and pumpkin are my favorite flavors. Wind chimes, ocean waves, and beautiful classical music are my favorite sounds. Silk, velvet, Egyptian cotton sheets, and human touch are my favorite sensations.
Stage 3: Cleaning Up
Conscious living is a moment-to-moment practice.
The day you realize that it is only YOU who has the power to heal your body and create the life you want is the day you step into the Heroine's shoes and cross the threshold into your new life. You, beautiful one, are the medicine. We cannot remain in the same energy and allow for new energy to move in. It's universal law. And to some degree, we are all suffering from chronic levels of high stress and we are "holding" on to the past. (Past people, jobs, ideas, spaces, and identities.)
1. We don't know how to let things go. We are also suffering from the disease to please, to belong to something, and we are programmed to not allow our feelings to flow and speak to us.
2. We can only love at the capacity that we love ourselves. Same with your healing journey. We have to allow more space to rehabilitate, investigate our deeper layers, and open our hearts. It can't be rushed or hurried...it needs patience, and it is a divine timing process that happens only when you are ready.
3. Go into the subconscious to integrate what is hidden: It is possible to discover the 95% of you that lives in your subconscious energy. It is possible to wake up from all the beliefs, programming, and false narratives that keep us living a small life. Who you have been told you are is placed in a small box when your potential is as large as the cosmos.
4. Unbound yourself: When you start waking up with a body that hasn't been fully expressed since childhood, it can be quite scary to your "keep it all together" body. We have energy imprints from our family systems and collective trauma that keep us frozen in time and space. Our ability to feel life force energy is how we know we are alive. It is how we stay grounded and connected to the earth. If we are not allowing energy to move through us, we are sad, depressed, and lonely. When we include our energy systems in the mix, we start looking at life with a new set of eyes.
5. Energy Hygiene: Everything matters. What we put into our bodies, how to learn to listen to what we need, and who we surround ourselves with are the basics of your energy bank account. Take a good look. It is crucial that we pay attention to what depletes our energy and what brings in more life giving energy. Spiritual and energy hygiene practices are something we need to be doing all day long.
6. Shadow work: We need to be witnessed in our becoming and we need mentors who see what we cannot see. As a hairstylist, I always share with people that we can't cut the back of our hair, this is sort-of the same thing. Our shadows are hidden from us because they are protecting our hearts. We cannot see our shadows until they are brought out into the light. We need others to see what we can't. We all have a dark-side that needs to be integrated. We fear ourselves so deeply.
7. Death and Rebirth Cycles: You are always becoming and shapeshifting so parts of you have to die or be integrated for new energy to come in. There is not a place of "arrival" as things are ALWAYS changing and you are ALWAYS becoming. Our nervous systems really struggle with this as our Ego wants to control and the unknown is scary.
It is a practice: Being self-aware is noticing how you are showing up in life every single day. There is no enlightenment or end of the road. It is a spiral of a deep inner relationship you can have with yourself where you get to work with strengthening what you already know from this lifetime and others.
1. We don't know how to let things go. We are also suffering from the disease to please, to belong to something, and we are programmed to not allow our feelings to flow and speak to us.
2. We can only love at the capacity that we love ourselves. Same with your healing journey. We have to allow more space to rehabilitate, investigate our deeper layers, and open our hearts. It can't be rushed or hurried...it needs patience, and it is a divine timing process that happens only when you are ready.
3. Go into the subconscious to integrate what is hidden: It is possible to discover the 95% of you that lives in your subconscious energy. It is possible to wake up from all the beliefs, programming, and false narratives that keep us living a small life. Who you have been told you are is placed in a small box when your potential is as large as the cosmos.
4. Unbound yourself: When you start waking up with a body that hasn't been fully expressed since childhood, it can be quite scary to your "keep it all together" body. We have energy imprints from our family systems and collective trauma that keep us frozen in time and space. Our ability to feel life force energy is how we know we are alive. It is how we stay grounded and connected to the earth. If we are not allowing energy to move through us, we are sad, depressed, and lonely. When we include our energy systems in the mix, we start looking at life with a new set of eyes.
5. Energy Hygiene: Everything matters. What we put into our bodies, how to learn to listen to what we need, and who we surround ourselves with are the basics of your energy bank account. Take a good look. It is crucial that we pay attention to what depletes our energy and what brings in more life giving energy. Spiritual and energy hygiene practices are something we need to be doing all day long.
6. Shadow work: We need to be witnessed in our becoming and we need mentors who see what we cannot see. As a hairstylist, I always share with people that we can't cut the back of our hair, this is sort-of the same thing. Our shadows are hidden from us because they are protecting our hearts. We cannot see our shadows until they are brought out into the light. We need others to see what we can't. We all have a dark-side that needs to be integrated. We fear ourselves so deeply.
7. Death and Rebirth Cycles: You are always becoming and shapeshifting so parts of you have to die or be integrated for new energy to come in. There is not a place of "arrival" as things are ALWAYS changing and you are ALWAYS becoming. Our nervous systems really struggle with this as our Ego wants to control and the unknown is scary.
It is a practice: Being self-aware is noticing how you are showing up in life every single day. There is no enlightenment or end of the road. It is a spiral of a deep inner relationship you can have with yourself where you get to work with strengthening what you already know from this lifetime and others.
“To become a great teacher, one must become a teaching.”
― Gabrielle Roth
Stage 4: Showing Up...It's time to teach what I now embody as my truth.
We are living in a HUGE time in history like no other time. When we are healing ourselves, we are healing everyone and everything around us. Please show up and do your inner work. There is no one else on the entire planet that is YOU and you are part of something bigger. To access all of who you are, you must become more open and fluid - you must be ready to participate in your own healing - emotionally, energetically, and intuitively.
I now speak, teach, and share about my process. Story telling is my favorite thing. You can find me podcasting, recording meditations, and teaching most days of the week.
Who would I be as a conscious leader if I didn't know "in my own body" what real connection feels like? PS I want to share all my cheat-codes with you.
We are all the teachers and the students and I have had the BEST teachers! Seriously amazing humans. We all need magical guides on this adventure and OMG have I drew the best hand!!! I also have the best conscious groups of beautiful humans that showed up for me. Having a healing tribe is like being in a web of love + truth-telling that always supports me to stay awake to what I don't see.
Advice for your next steps...
I love shining light on all my favorite teachers!!!
Jim Krieder, Susan Miller, Renee & Ken Brown, Jim Morningstar (and team), HeatherAsh Amara, Ellen Winner, Yvonne Christman, Tom Gigliotti and Kathy Barringer!!! Even though you all know how grateful I am (because I say it often)...MY HEART holds the deepest place of gratitude for having the opportunity to be with your wisdom, your heart-coherence, patience, love, hugs, and for all of you doing your own inner work and making your healing a lifestyle choice. All of you have gifted me a model for what an integrated human template feels like and what it means to be a heart-led leader. Thank you forever & ever.
For my sister and brothers who have shown up to ride the healing train with me and show me their hearts - you are forever characters in my story - I see you. I hear you. I love you. Witnessing your growth and receiving your care is so sacred to me. Your friendships are my life's greatest gift.
May we all be seen, heard, and known as the enchanted humans we really are.
We are living in a HUGE time in history like no other time. When we are healing ourselves, we are healing everyone and everything around us. Please show up and do your inner work. There is no one else on the entire planet that is YOU and you are part of something bigger. To access all of who you are, you must become more open and fluid - you must be ready to participate in your own healing - emotionally, energetically, and intuitively.
I now speak, teach, and share about my process. Story telling is my favorite thing. You can find me podcasting, recording meditations, and teaching most days of the week.
Who would I be as a conscious leader if I didn't know "in my own body" what real connection feels like? PS I want to share all my cheat-codes with you.
We are all the teachers and the students and I have had the BEST teachers! Seriously amazing humans. We all need magical guides on this adventure and OMG have I drew the best hand!!! I also have the best conscious groups of beautiful humans that showed up for me. Having a healing tribe is like being in a web of love + truth-telling that always supports me to stay awake to what I don't see.
Advice for your next steps...
I love shining light on all my favorite teachers!!!
Jim Krieder, Susan Miller, Renee & Ken Brown, Jim Morningstar (and team), HeatherAsh Amara, Ellen Winner, Yvonne Christman, Tom Gigliotti and Kathy Barringer!!! Even though you all know how grateful I am (because I say it often)...MY HEART holds the deepest place of gratitude for having the opportunity to be with your wisdom, your heart-coherence, patience, love, hugs, and for all of you doing your own inner work and making your healing a lifestyle choice. All of you have gifted me a model for what an integrated human template feels like and what it means to be a heart-led leader. Thank you forever & ever.
For my sister and brothers who have shown up to ride the healing train with me and show me their hearts - you are forever characters in my story - I see you. I hear you. I love you. Witnessing your growth and receiving your care is so sacred to me. Your friendships are my life's greatest gift.
May we all be seen, heard, and known as the enchanted humans we really are.
You are worth knowing you.
Helping you embrace your authenticity is my JAM, because I wholeheartedly believe that it is your uniqueness that holds the key to your brilliance. I want to help you illuminate everything you think is not enough, so you can see that you are already divine. Often, people ask me where they can begin walking this path to embodied transformation. Start getting really curious and stalking yourself. Ask yourself what you need. Start including your body and the earth in everything you do. Where are you energy rich? What brings you life? What does it take from you?
Start there...start wherever you are. There is no good, bad, right, or wrong here. It is all a part of the journey.
I want to end as I normally do with my hand on my heart in an honest expression of gratitude. I am SO honored to be a witness to the students and clients that have crossed my path and allowed me to see their magic. I don't think there are mistakes when we cross paths or meet along this journey. This awakening work in our spiritual evolution is such a sacred journey, honor all of it. The good, the bad, and the spectacular. Allow it all in.
PS...Don't forget...Consciousness is Contagious! Spread Your Light!
Big Love,
“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others.”
― Martha Graham
― Martha Graham