"I came in hoping to find connection with other women and dive deeper into the younger pieces of myself, and that is what I did.I have participated in several groups with Cassie, so the trust and comfortability were already present. With any group, there is fear and anticipation. You never know the energies you will encounter or the experiences you will have. But I am a firm believer in divine timing - things happen as they are meant to. The amount of love and care that was felt during these 4 months, with these incredible women, is unlike anything I will ever experience again. We were all meant to be there, for ourselves and for each other. And that is the whole point, right? Connection. Community. Togetherness. Being afraid to show up and doing it any way, knowing there are women who will hold you exactly as you be. I have participated in talk-therapy, hypnotherapy, art therapy, etc. And have received no greater healing than when I sit and breathe in a circle of vulnerable women wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Willing to go deep and bear all. It is pure magic.
Hesitation for the unknown is normal. It is scary to be vulnerable with strangers - sometimes, even more so with ourselves. And it is okay to be scared, in fact it is a good thing. Courage is doing something with your whole heart, in spite of the fear. Taking a leap and diving into yourself. You are worth the risk, you are worth the work, you are worth all of it an more. So, take the leap. Join the class. Believe in all that you be. And remember, you don't have to do it alone. Let the women in the circle hold you, hear you, heal you. Let them show you who you truly are."
-Maria, 2023
Hesitation for the unknown is normal. It is scary to be vulnerable with strangers - sometimes, even more so with ourselves. And it is okay to be scared, in fact it is a good thing. Courage is doing something with your whole heart, in spite of the fear. Taking a leap and diving into yourself. You are worth the risk, you are worth the work, you are worth all of it an more. So, take the leap. Join the class. Believe in all that you be. And remember, you don't have to do it alone. Let the women in the circle hold you, hear you, heal you. Let them show you who you truly are."
-Maria, 2023
"Participating in a group centered on the inner child, play, silliness, etc. This was a new layer of vulnerability with which I was uncomfortable. The topic itself was scary for me because I rarely identified/identify with my "inner child." I always felt like and was described as having "adult" qualities: serious, responsible, quiet, not outwardly expressive, cautious, worried, etc. As I shared more about myself around this with a new group of women (and Cassie), I got more curious instead of nervous. Reframing can shake you out of being "stuck" in a memory. Even reframing something traumatic as somewhat humorous (which sounds so bizarre!) works! I sincerely enjoy being with other women who are also looking for deeper connections with themselves and with others. I found the other women's shares fascinating, validating, challenging, and even triggering (a good thing, really!)."
-SP, 2023
-SP, 2023
"I really didn’t know what to expect when I signed up for a therapeutic breathwork class with Cassie. I’ve been working with Cassie through other avenues and thoroughly trusted her to guide me in a safe and supported way. I was looking to shake lose areas of deeply embedded emotions. Knowing my self- created protections were effective over the many years, yet hoping to create a space to allow those protections to fade, as they no longer serve that purpose of so long ago. The first couple of sessions allowed me to get comfortable with the breath work itself and to experience an expansion of sensations, inner calm and even joyfulness. In my most recent breathwork session, I experienced a deep affirmation of self, a trusted knowing, an embrace of love and healing. When the session ended, I felt more confident in myself, more trust in myself, and excitement as to where this journey will lead next!"
-JP, 2023
-JP, 2023
Classes, Groups, and Retreat Reviews...
- "I have historically struggled with care-taking others and neglecting caring for myself. Even though the work I have accomplished is significant and important and moved me in the right direction, life's everyday challenges (i.e. taking care of others) tend to knock me off track. In addition, I understood that my patterns that developed out of difficult circumstances remained running deep in the background.
- "Cassie, what your group work offered was a chance for me to look deeper into why and what was holding me back from the deeper healing work I longed for."
- "I feel much more compassionate about/towards myself. I feel I have a better understanding of who and what I am, and that I have some pretty awesome contributions to share with the world."
- "The first has to be how important boundaries are in relationships with others and with and for myself. The second is that I have the tools to reconnect to my body and feel safe. The third is how important it is to have authentic relationships with others for support, nurturing, and that soul to soul connection. I know that I have shifted during these months as I feel more at ease with myself and grounded; trust my instincts more; and feel more loving towards myself.
- "This might sound pretty confident (and I'm here for it because that's the new me)... but what haven't I been able to achieve since this journey started? I've realized I needed BIG changes (step one: check) and I made every single one of them happen (step two: check)."
- "My body knew I NEEDED this change, but my brain... (really it was my parts) kept thinking of 100,000 reasons not to do it. I can't even explain how freeing and helpful the skills I have learned in this journey have been for me. I honestly feel I am a completely new person and I love this version of me more than any other version of myself that has ever existed."
- "This has seriously been life-changing. Signing up was kind of like jumping off the diving board after taking some swimming lessons."
- "I really see how much transformation happened deep within me where I have a lovely intimate relationship with myself that I am comfortable I will continue to tend to and grow."
- "I felt safe sharing my inner longings/work with the group members and experienced them being vulnerable too which created a sense of trust."
- "Connecting in a safe and supportive way with others who are seeking deeper knowledge and understanding of their selves, their hearts, and their souls; who are committed to healing with love, compassion, and connection; and who value being true to who they are as they navigate through their lives, their relationships, and their life's work."
- "Building a tribe who are safe and supportive is like no other experience I have ever had."
- "I feel like we created a space similar to a collective chrysalis where we were all able to let down our guards, turn to mush, and check in/work on our journeys of discovering we are really just beautiful butterflies in the making."
- "In all seriousness - this was the most beautiful experience I have ever had. It's pennies in the bucket. What do you want to put into your own personal growth, awareness, expansion? If you answer anything other than "nothing", get in this program!"