There is so much beauty in watching things let go. As I write this I saw a single leaf fall off the branch and surrender into the unknown. Nature is our biggest teacher in witnessing the process of release. As I paused to take this photo, I was in awe of how the designs being made in these leaves were reminding me of doilies at my grandmother's house. (Then I giggled thinking of how long it’s been since I have seen one ;) The energy is tangible of something falling apart yet in its delicacy there is still so much beauty.
This inspired me to look back and reflect to last year at this time. I have spent the last year moving through deep layers of love, and grief, and lots and lots of sitting in the unknown. It is SO UNCOMFORTABLE to be in this middle place of not knowing what comes next! But it such a gift and a wise teacher. The grief opened me and created space for my heart to keep getting louder and louder. The spaces inside my body have been slowly shapeshifting into something new. My body is tired but my gorgeous heart has been rebuilding from a deeper place. My heart, which was already ancient and deep, has entered the place of “knowing” in surrender and trust (that I had no idea was even possible). My heart now knows her worth. She knows she will not settle for anything less than magic and mystery because she spent way too many years in fear and fantasy. I knew a year ago when I left my old life that I had to do this alone. I had to land in the space to truly falling in love with myself and being my own best friend. I had to look into the face of the fear of being alone and move through that with my body. I understand now that I had to completely die so that the next chapter of my magical life could be written from a higher place of love. I am a dreamer and a visionary and my life is so precious to me. Every day, every choice is sacred. I choose to show up for myself in it ALL so that I can say I lived the width of this existence. On my 80th birthday I will start my speech off by saying I spent it all! I spent my life fully. I will say I touched and experienced everything I wanted to. I loved hard and deep. I attracted people into my life who were the angels, mentors, and friends who held me through it all in reciprocal energy. I will look into the eyes of everyone there and remind them that they are truly made of magic and stars but for this short time that we are here - this body is made of earth - and our connection to her and her beauty - even in the death- is everything we need to know. We are all evolving every single day. We are shapeshifting in a fluid motion where we are staying in alignment with our heart's path. It does not make sense most of the time. But when we learn to listen to the urges, the sparkles, and the yearning, we can live a magically spent life. I invite you to follow along with me as I write the new chapter. I am creating all things new love, life, business, and dreams.
Cassie JonesVisionary for a New Kind of Earth Archives
September 2023
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