Your soul has waited all through out time to be here right now.
This space is dedicated to bringing all of us misfits and sensitive souls together. You may have the energy of a Lightworker, Healer, Old Soul, Empath, Indigo, or Starseed, and you are those with the burning passion to change the world!! I am here to tap on your door and support you in illuminating your gifts. When we attune to ourselves, there is a rippling vibration that affects everyone around us. So many of you are this light by just BEING who you are. But, so many of us don't know who we are because the world was not meant for us to shine our lights. As the earth turns on her lights, it is activating us to want to shine our lights even brighter. To become the natural born advocates of the heart that we truly are. Together, I want to support you to create a new vision of who you really are. A journey of self-discovery into being and doing what you love. A new story line that consists of being deeply supported by a community of others who can relate to you. A tribal essence where we can be each others biggest fan, hold the torch for each others illumination and walk hand and heart forward to assist with the awakening that is happening on the planet. When we don't fit into the box of society, we start contorting ourselves to be anything other than who we really and truly are. We armor up, break off, and lock up our gifts, just so we can "fit" or at least try to make an attempt to. Most of us were raised in systems that did not see us through the magical heart-shaped glasses of who we truly are. So, we learned early to make ourselves smaller and maybe even shut off to our gifts. In this space, we get an opportunity to begin re-learning what it means for our souls to be in community. We are wired for it. We are also hard-wired for healing. We get the choice to re-write the story by EXPERIENCING our own truth, building inner-trust, and welcoming the innate wisdom that lies within us. When we are in the truth of our experiences, everyone is Illuminated! That is why community is so divinely sacred... Just like my teachers taught me, when one of us gets a healing, we all get a healing. I want to support you in finding your healing tribe to walk beside in your journey. I invite you with an open heart, open mind and open arms...let's become better humans, because we are the ones carrying the torch lovelies! We are the the leaders of the heart. We are the beings moving the energy of the planet into harmony. The time is now. The world needs you to be who you truly are. So...Let's get to work :)
The sun is shining and things are sprouting. It feels good, doesn't it? There is a "waking-up" energy that is everywhere around us and speaks so much to the beauty of how the seasons unfold. Another word for unfolding is flowering- I just love that! We are ever-changing, flowering humans, and we are all dancing this dance of life.
Today is International Women's Day which turns the energy up even more! Feel it in your body!! What does it feel like to be part of a generation that is setting the stage for girls to dream and do it differently? It motivates me every day. I want to see a world where Women are being fully alive and true to who they are. No more staying small and hiding out. We need all of this feminine energy to change the larger energy, right now. I have a niece who is 18 and I can see already this huge shift in her that I didn't have when I was 18. She embraces herself so differently. She is okay with what makes her different and she shines with courage as she speaks. It gives me this hope that all of us that did not get the memo to be who we really are, get another chance, and we get as many chances as we need because there it is never too late to be more of who we really are. To do this we have to look at what stands in our way. Who told you who to be and what is still present in that for you today. So many of us didn't have support systems who were curious about our gifts. Most parents, teachers, and adults tell us what to be...Oh your good at this, you should be that...I know I thought well I am good at doing hair, so I guess I am a hairstylist. Then people said you are good at helping people, so I became a therapist. I never really asked myself what do I LOVE doing? I asked, "What am I good at?" Think about your story for a minute...what do you LOVE doing? And how much of that are you doing in your life right now? The dance back home to who you truly are is the dance I love to do with people. These limiting memos about who we should be and the hustle to maintain it leads to an exhausting way of being. It sucks the joy right out of us. So many of us are living lives that don't align with our hearts and I want all of you to live a life on purpose! One that brings forth the magic of your gifts. You are the only you in all of time- you are an original. What gifts do you have? So many of the empathic, intuitive women I support have this special quality of seeing things in "big picture". They have answers to big problems. They could change the world in an instant and do not understand why there has to be so much suffering when it seems so easy to change. It is heartbreaking to live in a world where there is so much pain and things are not fair. When we clearly see that all of the systems are outdated and the ways they can be fixed. When we sense the undertones of things going on around us. It is a tough place, this world we are living in because it was not created with the heart and growth in mind. And yet, it is opening to so many possibilities and I truly feel like we are here to change this energy. The world needs more heart-centered leaders, healers, and entrepreneurs! I talk to people all the time about how we stepped into a box in elementary school that we spend the rest of our lives trying to get out of. Yet, there is still a little voice inside that knows this can not be it. What is the substance of life if we aren't fully living it? I want to help you make your dreams come true. Dreams and wishes are in your DNA- when you light up it is because you love something- your entire being speaks. (You know that glow in the eyes that says this is me! This is why I am here!) Peace, love, and flowering together, Cassie |
Cassie JonesVisionary for a New Kind of Earth Archives
September 2023
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