When I was asleep in my body and offline energetically, I was a school counselor and I remember the full moon energy as chaotic and something teachers would say in passing. Something like, "oh it must be a full moon today," and that is the reason children were acting out. Children are awake, aware, and still connected in ways that numb adults can't understand. I really got it once I began growing up inside, thawing out my frozen inner children and moving along on my inner journey. I embodied that the more awake and aware I am, the more sensitive I am. (Which has its ups and downs, but I still choose it over numb any day!)
Numerous full moons I awake with this electric charge in my body. I will be vibrating head to toe. I have had the light of the moon wake me up, just to connect with it. It is POWERFUL energy! I have formed a new relationship with the moon and its magical powers and celebrate the intensity that comes with my energy body being heightened, my emotional body usually also being heightened, and work on keeping myself grounded to earth energy. (Just this morning, I went and stood barefoot on the grass for a while to regulate my energy body.) In my astrology chart, my moon sign is in Virgo in the 9th house. This is something new for me, as I am a child in the world of astrology, but I have found it has brought a deeper sense of meaning in understanding my sensitivities. So if you haven't already, download the app "Time Passages" and plug in your birthdate and time. (It is free knowledge!) Then take a moment to read your moon sign. My planets chart says my moon sign is in Virgo and as I read it, via the Time Passages App, I am just taken back by the powerful information, so I wanted to share... "The Moon in the Ninth House represents emotional sensitivity in the areas of higher ideals and visionary philosophy. You may be something of a dreamer and tend to romanticize your emotions...(Ughhh yes...) Your philopshy is based on your feelings and sensitivity to your ideals regarding the superconscious realms...You constantly study your experiences to redefine your own philosophy about life experiences, which may be the basis of your own vision of religion. Your philosophical attitude may seem difficult for other people to understand. You may suffer from a utopian ideal of wanting to feel good all the time which can cause you suffering. You tend to be a dreamer yet your dreams may reflect truths about reality when you are in tune to your higher awareness of consciousness. You love travel and are likely to take many journeys. You are a natural teacher. You have a strong need to share your philosophy of life with other people. In this way, you can share your redefined imaginative and creative insights and show others how to refine their inner visions along with you..." WHAAAAATTTTT! This is seriously me on all levels. I am a born teacher, an investigator who wants to redefine everything I come across that is in this healing arena and I want to know the truth, so I can share the truth. I want everyone to do their inner work so as a collective we are connected to our hearts and our power. I don't conform to a label or a section of what the world has told me I need to be. I want to be myself and I see through the lens of growth and change. I don't like anything that makes me feel trapped or needing to drink the kool-aid of the American propaganda dream. But I am also a big time dreamer and heart-felt sensitive. You may say I am a dreamer, but I really am, and I know I am not the only one. When I was in graduate school, we had to write out own counseling philosophy and my teachers just thought I was aloof with all my ideas and wonderment. When actually, I really didn't feel what they were ever telling me was "the way" it had to be done was the truth. Even though there is different theories and scientific research that says all the things- blah-blah, my heart was like nope we are so much bigger and more complex than this shit. I titled my paper Dr. Jones's Kaleidoscope Theory and wrote page after page around how I thought things could look differently than the ways I had been told they should. At my core, these are truths about who I am and how fun to let the moon and its wonderment, continue to help me investigate my gifts of being sensitive and powerful. You can create your own Full Moon Rituals...
May you be an active participant in the life you dream of. Much Love, Cassie
Cassie JonesVisionary for a New Kind of Earth Archives
September 2023
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